Watercolours - The Basics

Producing watercolours is one of the most rewarding yet frustrating painting methods.
It is capable of the finest detail, the most fascinating variety of colour and can be used most expressively. It will enable you to paint very gentle, soft pictures and very strong,
vibrant pictures. Because you cannot see the finished result until it dries you can never
be sure that you have achieved what you intended - this often brings about the "happy accident."

To learn to paint in watercolour requires patience, determination and a yearning to capture some aspect of your surroundings which you find exciting, beautiful or interesting. It will probably take several months of constant effort until you begin to feel you are making progress.

It can only be learned by practising - reading books and watching other artists is useful but there is no substitute for learning by doing. Sketch and paint as often as you can. Meeting with other painters is a very useful way of making sure that you set aside some time on a regular basis to paint. If you wish to paint landscapes going out in a group is fun, safe, interesting (each painter will produce a different result from the same scene) and you will have some support when members of the public pause to view your work.

If you persevere to the time when you are producing paintings which please you then it will give you a great thrill.
Good luck!

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